Saturday, March 19, 2011

I made this during the BP oil spill in the gulf. I think its a good website, and I think that you all will enjoy and gain knowledge from it :) hope all is well in your part of the universe! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

secured the back?

I came home feeling rather triumphant in my gluing abilities, as the back of my chair was still the on the back of my chair...and then, I decided to lean back in my chair, and the back did not hold!!! so, i am now stuck with a dilemma...just how do I secure the back of my chair to the back of my chair? maybe a massive amount of masking tape?!! but, that's absurd!
(or, is it????) be continued :)

Chair and then some

A week from today in some circumstances may seem like a long way off, but in the making of a chair, it is not much time at all! I have secured the back to the base of my chair and now will make sure that it will stay there, and then decorate (and smooth some corners, my chair is so square :( ) Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone from Andy's class that it has been such a fun class and you all such wonderful and creative classmates that I really wish it wasn't coming to an end of the term! Good luck with all that all of you do in life :) I hope to see you all around :) And, to Andy,  for opening pathways that lead to new ways to be creative; my art will definitely go to new "levels" and for that I Thank You!! :) Heidi

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Repitition and the art of Eadweard Kroy

Since we are working on repetition I thought it appropriate to show the work of my long time friend (we haven't sen each other in quite a long time, sad to say)  Eadweard Kroy  Here are a couple for you to enjoy right now :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Big Chair

I am so very glad that I got a head start on the chair!!!  I am using layer after layer of cardboard to  build my chair..I think in the end, it will be, in itself, a  beautiful thing to behold...I have sat on it, bent the cardboard on it twice now...ooops.. live and learn, now I know where the weak points are, I say  strengthen it and go on , asthma begs to differ...the glue is hard to handle. updated as of March 1, 8am...All I have left to do is the back and the ornamentation :) Have a fun day :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow day Feb 24, 2011

As I sit here, I have the opportunity to glance outside and view the beauty of the day. I hate to admit it, coming from the land of fire and ice (Nebraska), where I had a lifetime worth of snow in the 17 years I was there,but today, the snow is absolutely beautiful! I want to take this time to share with you the blog page of my Art Professor Andy Salzman ( I found out I could do this when he and Daniel were talking in class). He is a wonderful teacher who has opened my eyes to a whole new realm of 3 dimensional art (and, I'm not just saying that because I am currently in his class) I am saying that because he actually is an incredible artist! But don't take my word for it, see for yourself!   Never in all my life would I have thought I could make something out of a paper bag, 21 matches, a roll of masking tape, two paper clips, two rubber bands, and part of a match box striker...but, I did, and I really like it! If I had a picture of it, I would show it to you, as soon as I do I will :) It was the first project that Andy had us do. That one lesson taught me so much in terms of what can be created even with limited amount of resources. Each subsequent lesson (project, if you prefer) taught me something new. The next lesson, meant to convey motion, taught me that wire can be a fun and interesting material  to work with. I have only used wire when I have found interesting pieces of it while out walking. (like for the hair on "the High Priestess" piece (shown on this blog), I had never used it to make a whole structure. I opted to make an octopi for Phelan :) I think it turned out awesome! Once again, if I had a photo, would share it with you. In the next lesson, we were to take something small, and proportionally accurate, make it big (or vice-versa). I chose the Monopoly hat. I was once again, surprised to find that I could make something out of cardboard and tape and with such detail...I still have the hat, and sometimes wear it :) I am currently working on other hats to be in the CG Trash Fashion show
The last lesson we did was really a lesson of detail. Andy had us take an organic structure (I chose a Brussels sprout) and convey it in clay. It was definitely a enjoyable challenge. I am excited to see how the sprout will turn out once fired :) The current lesson we are on is that of repetition. We went on a walking tour of the campus and saw some of the art work that coveys repetition, this was inspirational to me, and helped me gain insight as to how we were to go about making our objects.  We are to make 5 objects ( approx 12-14 inches) in a sequence. They are to include repetition within each piece, and build off the first object we make. It's hard for me to explain, but I think I've got the groove of it...I started with the thought of a tree, what a tree would look like as the thought of a tree amongst the back drop of thoughts that are still floating in the ether, yet to be born to light. The next object is the chain of thoughts (or seeds if you will) as they progress from once place to the next within our mind...The next one, which is to be the spark of life that is brought into a thought, that moment when a thought comes to life. I am hoping to convey this with some sense of electricity that ties in with the first two objects, that brings the intangible into the physical realm... and then I would like to show the thought being brought into the physical realm (such as my hand holding seed packets, or planting a sprout?) and lastly a physical tree, in all is magnificent touchable reality....Update as of March 1st 8 am... all done and ready to go...Excited!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just a few of my things (ones Ihad photos of)

2nd Mosaic gifted to Shelly Mort, Science Prof. at LCC 

first mosaic, gifted to Leigh at Axe and Fiddle CG

early ceramic piece, gifted to Ms. Mort at LCC

"Watermelon Splash" mobile, gifted to Kim

"The High Priestess" Gifted to George at High Priestess

3 pieces that were melded together over a period of three years, gift away :)

First abstract person w/ an added mosaic gifted to Friends at Abraxas Video in CG

one of twenty or so of this design that got gifted to ? Everyone picked their favorite colors :)

"Sonny's burning" Sold, with many thanks, to Troy in CG :)

First piece with movable parts, gifted to Joe Schultz